Market Survey

Market survey is the survey research and unit of analysis of the market for a particular product/brand which includes the investigation into customer inclinations. The Ministry of Commerce and custom authorities are fighting counterfeit by raiding the locations of greedy businessmen and sellers of counterfeit products. The raids are being carried out in cooperation with security authorities and they targeted mainly locations where counterfeit products are sold or stored.

Market Sweep Raids

During market survey we struggle to find the selling points of the counterfeit items but in market sweep we catch the source of counterfeit items. The aim of the market sweep is to reduce the supply of the counterfeit products from not only the small sellers but also to grip the big sellers within the market. This kind of action will make the sellers cautious to not buy or sale counterfeit products as there is a serious action from the brand.

Advantages of market sweep raids
  • To stop the sale of counterfeit items.
  • To reduce and seize the quantity of the counterfeit products from the market.
  • To take judicious action against the counterfeit sellers. Supporting with legal research and drafting.
  • To punish and penalize the counterfeit sellers.
  • To completely closure of the business.
Hire our exceptional services for conducting market survey, we do
  • Conduct offline market survey and investigations
  • Assisting with enforcement or settlement
  • Perform market study related a specific product/brand
  • Tracking trademark infringement and removing offers for fake products
  • Create authenticate reports with evidence